
What is SmartPID?

SmartPID is a powerful and flexible controller for complete brewing process automation and recipe management as well as fermentation temperature control. SmartPID is wifi connected for data logging and remote process control via web and mobile.

SmartPID is integrated with Brewfather to allow remote control and fermentation profile and recipe sending.

Get SmartPID

SmartPID can be bought directly from Arzaman SRL here.

Need SmartPID device help?

For SmartPID related setup, please check the guides here. Please contact SmartPID on email: or facebook.

Integration features

Smart Hombrewing Application

  • Recipe upload for starting the brew directly!

  • Remote monitor of process parameters (set point, current temperature, PID out, pump status, timers)

  • Process events listing

  • Remote actions (process start/stop pause/resume, set point change, power change, pump start/auto/stop)

Smart Thermostat

  • Start the fermentation profile directly from the batch based on your recipe!

  • Remote monitor of process parameters (set point, current temperature, PID out, timers)

  • Process events listing

  • Remote actions (process start/stop pause/resume, set point change)

Firmware Pre-Requirements

In order to use the integration a specific firwmare level is needed on SmartPID

Both classic DIN box controller (STC version) and the new CUBE version are fully compatible.

Smart Homebrewing ⇒ version 1.3-010 +

Smart Thermostat ⇒ version 0.5-014 +

Download the FW from the SmartPID wiki page on the web site and upgrade. Click here for upgrade instructions on video.

Upgrade mini guide

  1. Download firmware from SmartPID

  2. Unzip the .bin file

  3. Rename .bin file to flash.bin before copying it to SmartPID

  4. Attach SmartPID to computer via USB while holding the RED button

  5. Delete FLASH.BIN from the SmartPID storage device that has now appeared

  6. Copy new flash.bin to SmartPID storage device

  7. Safetly detach device after copy has finished

  8. Verify that upgrade is ok by checking firmware version in the info menu

Firmware upgrade troubleshooting

If you have a SmartPID Thermostat and want to switch it to a SmartPID Homebrewing controller, or vice versa, you need to contact the SmartPID seller, switching firmware directly will not work without a special flash file.

There is a know issue upgrading firmware on macOS, try a Windows computer if you have issues with Mac.

Enable SmartPID integration

Configure SmartPID

Register/Login to SmartPID account

In the devices page there will now be a Configure button next to the SmartPID section. Click it to set up SmartPID.

Register new SmartPID account (new SmartPID users)

Enter your wanted e-mail and password then click Register. If registration is successful you will be logged in to the new account automatically. Warning: SmartPID Password is not encrypted and is stored in plain text.

You can also register a new account in the SmartPID android app.

Login to existing SmartPID account (existing SmartPID users)

If you already have a SmartPID account. Enter your e-mail and password then click Register. If registration is successful you will be logged in to the new account automatically. Warning: SmartPID Password is not encrypted and is stored in plain text.

SmartPID device setup

Your SmartPID needs to be set up with wifi connection and the login for your SmartPID account.

For instructions on how to set up your SmartPID device for Wifi and MQTT server connection please check the guide here.

Common setups

SmartPID as a 1 channel thermostat for fermentation control

Sampling time

SmartPID can be set up to send the status every X seconds. For best response time set this to 1 second.

Register SmartPID device

  1. From the SmartPID configuration window click Add device

  2. Insert a name for your smartPID controller

  3. Select the proper application (homebrewing / thermostat). This must be compatible with the firmware on your SmartPID

  4. Enter the 12 characters serial number found in the SmartPID info menu

  5. Enable Channel 1 and/or Channel 2, optionally name the Channel(s).

  6. Save to add to your device list

  7. When you click Save the device will appear, and Brewfather will communicate with your SmartPID via MQTT messages

Mode: Homebrewing

Recipe upload and process start

Important limitations: Make sure the device is not in status mode, then it will be locked for control.

SmartPID is limited to a fixed schema for the mash steps (listed below), some mashing profiles might not translate 100%, you can check the recipe steps sent to the SmartPID by clicking the green recipe text in the Send Recipe toggle before you click start. SmartPID is limited to max 10 boil addition alarms.

  1. Go to Batches page - Brewing tab

  2. Click on the Start button in the Brew Controller section

  3. Select your homebrewing controller from the list

  4. Flag the proper options and press start to push the recipe to SmartPID controller and eventually start the recipe execution.

Optional Mash Steps Template

If you want one to one mapping of the mahing steps to the recipe format of the SmartPID you can utilize the Mash steps template mashing profile. Brewfather will also intelligently try to map any mash profile to the fixed SmartPID scheme so this step is optional.

  1. Select profile in recipe

2. Alter the profile by adjusting time and temperature on the steps with time greater than 0. Leave the rest as is.

Mode: Thermostat

Start fermentation profile from recipe

Important limitations: Make sure the device is not in status mode, then it will be locked for control.

SmartPID is limited to 8 fermentation profile steps where the fist 7 steps have a maximum duration of 4 days per step. This might limit the fermentation profile possibilities if you have profiles with many steps. Step 8 will continue with no maximum duration. Brewfather will try to map your profile as best as it can within these limitations (splitting steps with a duration longer than 4 days into multiple steps for the SmartPID profile). But you are adviced to double check the profile steps.

  1. Go to Batches page - Fermentation tab

  2. Click on the Start button in the Fermentation Controller section

  3. Select your thermostat controller from the list

  4. Click Start to start the profile

Optionally you can also start a fermentation profile or standard/manual mode from the devices page.

Last updated

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